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Hi, my name is Jamie and I have some advice for you!

Give yourself time to absorb the information.

Bootcamp can be fast and furious! Give yourself time to understand the terminology.

Some ways that you can do this include:

Try to keep up with your studies!

Make sure to experiment and code every day! Find an excuse to play with your new skills and apply what you have learned.

Even if it's just for 30 minutes, build on your skills so that you can expand and enhance your experience.

Have some fun!

Tap into that inquistive side of you! Allow yourself to be imaginative and challenge yourself!

See if you can make your wildest visions come true and then practice!

Remember to give yourself grace!

You will be learning so many new skills and building new pathways that you may become intimidated. Remember that Rome was not built in a day and the best thing you can do is to keep at!

Keep failing and then fail again fore there is a lesson in every new beginning.

Keep growing and the rest will be cake!